17/07/95 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 05/12/74
Attain victory over time by changing your wasteful thoughts into powerful thoughts.
What is the avyakt meeting? To become the same as the one you are meeting. So, to have an avyakt meeting meansto adopt an avyakt form, the same as the Father's. Avyakt means where there is no feeling of the corporeal. Haveyou become like this? Have you created a stage where there isn't the slightest attraction towards the physical country,the physical body or physical things? The first promise you made is: "I listen to You and I speak to You". You haveto fulfil this first promise, but unless you stabilise yourself in the avyakt or the incorporeal stage for the whole dayand night, would you be able to experience being with BapDada, that is, would you be able to fulfil your promise?Throughout the whole day, for how long do you fulfil this promise? Whomsoever you are going to meet, you have tocreate your own stage according to their stage and meet them at their place. You have to change both your place andyour stage, for only then will you be able to fulfil this promise. To have corporeal feelings or to have feelings ofdevotion for any person or any object, whereby you feel that this is very much loved or very good; to have this feelingfor any physical object or bodily person, is also like a desire. And, as long as you have any desires, you are unable tooppose Maya completely. As long as you cannot oppose her (samna), you cannot become equal (samaan), that is, youcannot fulfil your promise.
In the pictures, Krishna has been portrayed as sitting on the globe of the world. So create such an image of yourpractical stage; to go beyond this corporeal world and this old body, to go beyond corporeal feelings and physicalobjects means to be standing over them as a detached observer. When the globe is shown under someone's feet orsomeone is shown sitting on the globe, that is a portrayal of the mastery or right over the world. Therefore, createsuch an image of yourself where you only come into this old world, from the avyakt to the vyakt, according to yourown desires or on the basis of thoughts created by your own self and not as a result of being subservient to theattraction of physical objects or people. When you take the lift up, the switch is under your own control as to whetheryou go to the first floor or the second floor. What is the result when the switch is beyond your control? You getstuck in苑etween. In the same way, keep the switch of your consciousness under your own control. Have youclaimed such rights whereby you are able to set your place and stage how you want, when you want and for as long asyou want? Have you attained victory over time? "Kaal", means time. Are you victorious over time? If the PandavArmy and the Shakti Army only attain this stage at the end, then the power of silence is lower than the power ofscience because science has already conquered these elements. In the exhibition, you show pictures of how Ravanconquered the five elements, and time is shown as one of those elements. Since science, which is the power ofRavan, has conquered the elements quite a lot, then it means science is more powerful than you, doesn't it? Thepower of science is proving this in practice; will the power of silence show its proof at the end? To conquer timemeans to conquer death. The percentage of this is very low at the moment. Although you stabilise yourself in theincorporeal stage and the avyakt stage, you are not able to stabilise yourself in that stage for as long as you want. Youhave the experience of that stage, you even work hard for it, but you are still not able to conquer time. What is thereason for this? You think that you will sit in powerful remembrance for half an hour. You even sit for half an hourand also create plans, but you are not able to stabilise yourself in that stage for as long as the time you spend inthinking about that stage. You have the thought to push the button for the third floor, but, because you haven'tconquered time, you are only able to reach the second floor, the first floor or the ground floor. This is because,throughout the day, you have the practice of wasting a lot of time. By paying attention to the wasteful, you willbecome powerful and successful in attaining victory over time.
As long as you waste a lot of time, you will not be powerful and successful in attaining victory over time. This iswhy you are not able to experience the meeting or fulfil the promise that you want to. So now, create your image offortune of constantly being victorious over all the elements and over time. Only when you change every second fromwasteful to powerful will you be victorious. Achcha.To such constantly victorious souls; to those who have all rights and who constantly fulfil their promise; to those whochange the wasteful into powerful and who constantly remain beyond the corporeal and stabilise themselves in theavyakt stage; to such lucky and close stars, love, remembrances and namaste from BapDada.
17/07/95 Personal Meeting 17/07/95
BapDada's foremost remembrance is of the double苯oreign children. Just as those in bondage are remembered, in thesame way, children who are abroad are also remembered, because they also have the bondage of not being able tocome to this land. However, BapDada always sees them as the ones who are the closest. Are those who have goneabroad for service far away? They may not be physically in front of Baba's eyes, but those who are merged in theeyes are never far. They are the closest of all. Do you remain in front of Baba's eyes or merged in them? Those whoremain merged in the eyes are constant yogis. Children living abroad still come close, whereas those who arephysically close, because of being in this land, only get a chance to come once every four years. So, who is closer?All this is a question of a subtle connection. It is because you have a close relationship that you have come close.This is the proof. According to the drama, the thoughts of so many maharathis did not take a practical form, but theone thought of the Father became practical and so you are close. Do not consider yourself to be far from BapDada.
You should look at your horoscope to see what your line of fortune has been from birth. Those who have had fortunefrom the beginning, that is, those who have come with their fortune of the beginning period already created alsoreceive a lift at the end. You have attained it easily from the beginning, have you not? You have had to make lesseffort and have attained great success. You have received this lottery. If you win a huge lottery with a ticket of onerupee, that is less effort and great attainment, isn't it? In any situation, if someone understands an instruction and,without any thought, becomes co觔perative at a time of need, BapDada is bound to give that soul co觔peration till theend. Taking a jump to be co觔perative in one situation enables you to claim a right to receive co觔peration till theend. When one hundred苯old return of one is received, whether through the body, mind or wealth, there is less effortand great attainment. When you give co觔peration at a time of need, BapDada is bound to give co觔peration till theend. Bhagats refer to this as blind faith. If any soul is co觔perative with BapDada even once in his life, BapDada will be cooperative with that one till the end. This is also an account. Do you understand? Achcha.
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